Mary Jo Putney

 Mary Jo Putney 's Books

A very well recieved series by Mary Jo Putney are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are The Christmas Cuckoo, Not Always a Saint, Dangerous Gifts, River of Fire, Veils of Silk, Petals in the Storm, The Last Chance Christmas Ball, The Diabolical Baron, The Wild Child, One Perfect Rose, Not Quite a Wife, Never Less Than a Lady, Once a Soldier, Sometimes a Rogue, Nowhere Near Respectable, Twist of Fate, Carousel of Hearts, Silk and Shadows, The Rake, Once a Rebel, Dancing on the Wind, Silk and Secrets, The Burning Point, The Marriage Spell, The Bargain, A Kiss of Fate, Angel Rogue, Shattered Rainbows, The Bartered Bride, Thunder & Roses, The China Bride, The Spiral Path, Loving a Lost Lord, Dearly Beloved, The Black Beast of Belleterre, An Imperfect Process, Songs of Love and Darkness, Once Dishonored, Shattered Rainbows fa-5, A Distant Magic, River of Fire: Book 6 in The Fallen Angels Series, Once a Scoundrel, The Wild Child (Bride Trilogy), Lady of Fortune, Angel Rogue: Book 4 in the Fallen Angels Series, Petals in the Storm: Book 3 in the Fallen Angels Series, A Holiday Fling, The China Bride (Bride Trilogy), Thunder and Roses: Book 1 in The Fallen Angel Series, Shattered Rainbows: Book 5 in the Fallen Angels Series, The Tuesday Enchantress, Angel Rogue fa-4, Dancing on the Wind: Book 3 in The Fallen Angel Series, Wedding of the Century, Once a Scoundrel (Rogues Redeemed #3), Petals in the Storm fa-2, Dancing on the Wind fa-3, The Bartered Bride (Bride Trilogy), Phoenix Falling, Lost Lords 6 - Not Quite a Wife, which was published in 2022.